I've made the decision to participate in The Weekend to End Breast Cancer 60k walk this year. It's happening at the end of July. I'll be posting more information about the walk and how you can help me meet my donation goal (I'm thinking probably $3000.00 for my goal. I'm not sure yet though) as soon as I can.
Wish me luck with the training! (I'm horrifically out of shape)
This is a noble cause, Erin. As soon as you get all the details, please post at TTABBB so we can get it on our blogs and out in the newsletter.
YAY, you!
DC :)
Great cause! I'll be rooting for you!!
I'm sorry Bonita. I hope her treatments start working for her. *hugs*
Thanks everyone
Good luck, and good for you!!
And what on earth is the Lumberjack song??
I'm walking the walk too, in Ottawa :) I think it's a great cause, and a great chance to make a difference!
Is this your first year as well?
How is your fundraising going? (I just joined last week, so I haven't gotten much yet)
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